Thursday, September 2, 2010

Look ma... two weeks in a row!

So, I was reading Library Journal at work today. We are supposed to read them; they get passed around. So, why do I always feel like I am playing hookie or something when I actually read them? The problem with this is that I end up with stacks of my hoarded journals that have not been passed on. I try to make sure I get them last so it does not matter how long they sit on my desk, unfortunately, what usually happens is that I get them last... except for our director upstairs. So, I just hope she has been busy enough to not realize that she has not been getting all of the library journals!

The reason I mention this is that last month when I actually tried to read an issue of LJ, I realized that most of the issue is reviews of new books. None of these books have any bearing whatsoever on my job. So instead, what I did back in the beginning of August was find books that I could request through my local public library for my own personal reading! AND, since I was a month or two behind, the books reviewed in this particular issue should be coming out any day now!

The book that struck the strongest chord with me was called Juliet by Anne Fortier. I picked it up from my library earlier this week and cannot stop reading it! I thought it was a YA book when I read the review, but it does not really seem like it when reading it, so I could have been wrong about that. It is a modern day story of Julie/Guilietta who was born in Italy but raised in America by an aunt after her parents death. She goes back to Italy looking for a treasure that her mother left for her. But she is pulled into the original/true story of Guilietta (her ancestor) and Romeo. You guessed it! The original story that Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was based on. It skips back and forth between the modern story and the story from A.D. 1340. So far it is fantastic! I know it is fiction, but the research that had to go into a story like this, which is based in history, always amazes me!

I think I am about half way done with it now, so perhaps next week I can give an update on how I liked the rest of it!

So my "Professional Development" time at work has really become my "find new books to read" time. Just don't tell the director! For that matter, don't mention that I have been hoarding LJs either!

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