Monday, June 7, 2010

So Late From Friday

So it's so past my date, but I'm joining with Charlotte, who I'm sure won't mind:
This is something I wrote when I was nineteen. I wish I was still this smart and brave:

There comes a time in every life when we realize what is important and what is trivial
We learn that some truths are lies and no one can go it all alone
It seems to be that when you have no idea where you are going, you always end up in the exact right spot
It helps to turn to others for a helping hand
When you realize that these are the things you need: life, love, happiness, a sense of being, knowing who you are, and being comfortable with yourself
That’s life at its fullest
There are so many ways one can accomplish these things and yet they cannot be written down –
For if they are then the secret to happiness will be forever lost
Think back to a favorite moment from your childhood…
Do you see yourself standing there with a laughing smile on your face and large inquiring innocent eyes staring back at you?
What happened to that smile? That laugh? That innocence?
Regardless of what you may think, they’re still with you –
You only need to release them
And yet that feeling of insecurity that only grows larger with age and so called wisdom keep pushing you farther into confusion
There is a time in your life when you must do what you know to be the best choice for you…
There is a time in your life when you will make the wrong decision, but things will still work out for the best…
There is a time in your life when you will get hurt badly and yet you’ll grow from the experience and the pain…
There is a time in your life when nothing seems to go your way, but you’ll be happy anyway…
There is a time in your life when happiness will never leave your side and you’ll know the joy of being alive…
There is a time in your life when death will take over, but you will accept it with the grace and beauty of a woman…
There is a time in your life when you will just want to be held and those strong arms that have always been there for you, will be there once again…
There is a time in your life when you’ll sound just like your mother and you’ll laugh as you finally realize how she felt…
There is a time in your life when you’ll lose your way, but God will be there to help you…
There is a time in your life when confusion will take over, but you’ll gain control before anything bad happens…
There is a time in your life when you must accept defeat and you will do so like and with the sophistication of an adult not the insecurity of a child…
There is a time in your life when you will feel like you’re losing yourself, but your friends will be there to help you…
There is a time in your life for everything
All we can do is hold our heads high and wait for what destiny has in store for us –
We should not wish to become adults or try desperately to regain our childhood…
We must accept the life we were given and simply be thankful for it;
We must respect not only ourselves, but others and learn from mistakes we make and remember to laugh in the face of depression…
We are all beautiful creatures, but we must remember our own fragility…
Friends are the key to making it through life –
Treasure every moment and take the words “what if I had…” out of your vocabulary
For they are not important
They only hold you back from experiencing today –
Live then with the knowledge that you make your own happiness for our lives are our own; we only need to shape them as we want to live and decorate ourselves in ways we want to be remembered –
For in this play we sometimes call life there are no bit or small parts and everyone gets their name mentioned at one time or another.

Do you have a favorite poem? I normally don't admit to writing this one.


  1. That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks Dorothy. It's an emotional poem for me and I never know if it's going to get a good review or not.
