Thursday, June 10, 2010

Emotinal Scar Tissue

Life is full of scars and scar tissue. The only kicked is unlike most physical injuries emotional scar tissue can't really be seen by the human eye. So what do we do about emotional baggage? About those scars that no one can see, but what make us who we are today?

I will openly admit to having quite a bit of emotional scar tissue. It's hard for someone to not have it. It's even harder for people to open up and admit why they have that emotional scar tissue.

One thing that I love about Liza Palmer's books is that her heroines are flawed. They each have some major emotional scar tissue each for her own reasons and it's that scar tissue that makes them more human. How many books can a person read about a woman who is thin with perfect hair and a fun job, but with not enough money to buy designer shoes and no one on the boyfriend front?

That's why I'm a fan of smart chick lit, but not a fan of the term chick lit. It's sort of like the term romance. You say something is a romance and instantly people think it's bodice ripping trash, but it's not. I've read some romance novels where no sex took place. And I must admit that reading historical romance really makes your vocabulary grow. Don't believe me? Try it and you'll be running to your dictionary to look up words. I remember once trying to explain to my boss, an older man near retirement age who worked at an academic library, what chick lit actually was. I said that it was a genre of books that were for women about women dealing with women's issues. His response was "Oh, so soft core porn."

No, it's way more than that although sometimes I guess that could be true.

But I like my heroines to be a little damaged like I'm a little damaged. I like to see a little emotional scar tissue because it's real and want it or not we all have it. So Liza Palmer is one of my favorite authors because of that. Monica McInerney does a really good job of damaged heroines as well.

Who are some of your favorite damaged heroines? Favorite authors who write smart chick lit?

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