Friday, May 28, 2010

Museum Going

I love to go to museums and it's not always to be awe-inspired by art although I often am. I love to go to museums to learn things and to watch how people react to what they are seeing. There's the staring at a painting until your eyes pop out. There's the classic: step back, sigh and nod. There's the speed through. There's the slow motion crawl through. There's the "I'm here because my parents made me come." And then there's me: turn it into a game.

I always make museum going a game. Sometimes I'm annoying (I correct tour guides, but really if I know they are wrong and I'm just visiting they should know they are wrong because it's their job). Sometimes I'm disruptive. I play games like The Renaissance Baby Jesus Game where I make Renaissance Baby Jesus talk and say things like "Mother, I'm fagged. Fetch me a glass of wine." I do this because Renaissance Baby Jesus can do some many things a real baby can't do. Believe it or not I actually know quite a bit about Renaissance art because of this game. I even came to love people like Fra Angelico and Botticelli.

What do you do in museums?

What makes you chose to go to a museum?

What's your favorite museum?

Mine is the Frick, but I love the Whistlers and Vermeers and Gainsboroughs and I could go on, but I'll stop.


  1. Funny, how a single comment can be pertinent to more than one post! I should perhaps read post chronologically rather than top to bottom! ;-)

    I love museums. I go to museums because of a "mood" (for lack of a better term) rather than to see something or because of an interest. It usually does not matter what kind of museum it is. I love them all. I have been to some really fun small town museums which are just a conglomeration of objects pertaining to said town. I bought peanuts to plant at the George Washington Carver monument.

    But my favorite museum (as commented in the next post) is the Civil War Museum in Frederick, Maryland. I would love to work there. I would love the chance to peruse what they do not have on display! One of these days I am going to get back, but I recommend that everybody try to see it. It is a part of our history that few people think about.

    Museums make me happy, serene, sad, excited, interested, or angry. Good feelings all of them. How can you not love that?

  2. Okay, I need to type more carefully!

    It is the Civil War Medicine Museum!!!


  3. Ha! If you worked there and I get a job in MD (hope and pray for me to get one) then we'd all live in MD and we could start a salon, which would be awesome. I guess we have some planning to do!
